Home / Specifications / cdsc-wg3-01 - Customer Data

Customer Data

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CDSC-WG3-01 - Customer Data


This specification defines how utilities and other central entities (“Servers”) may allow third parties (“Clients”) to access utility account holder data (“Customer Data”), including for use cases that require account holders to authorize the access. This specification extends CDSC-WG1-02 (Client Registration) to add OAuth authorization scopes for Customer Data, as well as defining the APIs used to access Customer Data when authorization is granted.


WARNING: This specification is a DRAFT and has not achieved consensus by the working group.


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

This specification was developed as part of the global effort to combat the climate crisis. Specifically, in order to scalably measure carbon emissions of organizations and calculate the impact of deploying and operating clean energy technologies, companies need an efficient means of requesting authorization for and accessing Customer data from utilities and other entities.

There are thousands of utilities serving Customers across the world, and each have their own way of providing access to and formatting Customer data. This specification defines a way for these utilities and other entities (“Servers”) to provide a standardized, structured process for external users and companies (“Clients”) to access Customer data, requesting authorization from Customers if needed. By offering a standardized a Customer data access protocol, utilities and other entities can enable secure interoperability with other external systems providing climate-change fighting services such as carbon tracking, decarbonization measures, grid flexibility capabilities, and energy benchmarking.

2. Terminology

“Server” - The entity hosting the specified endpoints. A Server can be an energy utility or another type of entity that want to provide access to privileged functionality or data. These entities can include, but are not limited to, distribution utilities, grid operators, electric retailers, community choice aggregators, government agencies, data warehouses, and private infrastructure providers.

“Client” - The entity requesting Server’s metadata endpoints. A Client can be any organization or user seeking to access Customer data with a Server for a specific scope of access. These entities can include, but are not limited to, carbon tracking applications, electric vehicle companies, clean energy technology providers, commercial utility customers, grid management applications, and energy efficiency organizations.

“Customer” - The user who’s data is being requested from a Server by a Client. For grants which require user authorization, the Customer is the user who authorizes the access. A Customer can be any utility or other entity account holders, such as homeowners, renters, businesses, and industrial customers.

Referenced Technologies: “HTTPS”, “URL”, “Request Methods”, “Status Codes”, “JSON”, “OAuth”, TODO: add more as needed are defined by their referenced standards documents.

Key Words: “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “NOT RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” are defined in accordance with BCP 14.

3. Authorization

This specification extends CDSC-WG1-02 (Client Registration)

3.1. Authorization Scopes

This specification extends CDSC-WG1-02 (Client Registration) to define the following scope values that a Server MAY add to the scopes_supported field in the Authorization Server Metadata object.

The following values required a response_type of code, meaning they request user authorization using OAuth’s Authorization Code Grant flow to gain access:

  • cds_accounts_basic - Access to basic customer account information.
  • cds_accounts_contacts - Access to the current contact information for a customer’s accounts.
  • cds_accounts_detailed - Access to detailed information for a customer’s accounts.
  • cds_servicecontracts_basic - Access to a customer’s list of service contracts (e.g. an electrical, natural gas, or water service) with some basic information about each service.
  • cds_servicecontracts_suppliers - Access to the energy supplier or retailer information for a customer’s service contracts.
  • cds_servicecontracts_detailed - Access to detailed service contract information for a customer’s services.
  • cds_bill_amount_due - Access to the current amounts due for a customer’s accounts.
  • cds_bill_statements_basic - Access to basic information about a customer’s bill statements.
  • cds_bill_statements_detailed - Access to detailed information about a customer’s bill statements.
  • cds_bill_statements_files - Access to the raw files (e.g. pdf bills) for a customer’s bill statements.
  • cds_bill_sections_basic - Access to summary data of a customer’s bill sections.
  • cds_bill_sections_detailed - Access to detailed data of a customer’s bill sections.
  • cds_usage_basic - Access to basic usage data for a customer’s service contracts.
  • cds_usage_detailed - Access to detailed usage data for a customer’s service contracts.
  • cds_aggregation_inclusion - Approval for being included in an aggregation (e.g. whole-building benchmarking).

The following values required a grant_type of client_credentials, meaning they request user authorization using OAuth’s Client Credentials Grant flow to gain access:

  • cds_aggregation_query - Access to query for aggregations based on address or other lookup parameters.
  • cds_aggregation_data - Access to aggregated usage data for a specific set of aggregations.

3.2. Defining Requirements for Scope Registration


3.3. Client Metadata

This specification extends CDSC-WG1-02 (Client Registration) to add the following named values to the Client Registration Response objects:

3.4. Authorization User Experience


4. Accounts API

This specification requires Servers provide a set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) allowing Clients to retrieve a Customer’s Account details for which they are authorized to access. These APIs are authenticated using a Bearer access_token granted that provisions access for a scope that allows access to the Accounts API.

4.1. Account Object Format

Account objects are formatted as JSON objects and contain the following named values:

  • cds_account_id - string - (REQUIRED) The Server’s unique identifier for this Account object.
  • cds_created - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) When the Server created this Account object.
  • cds_modified - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) When the Server last modified this Account object.
  • cds_account_parent - string or null - (REQUIRED) The cds_account_id of a parent Account object of which this Account is grouped under. If the Account is not a part of a parent grouping, this value is null.
  • customer_number - string or null - (REQUIRED) The identifier that a Customer has access to that identifies a collection of Accounts as being for the same Customer. If a Server only stores Accounts as the top-level identifier for Customers, or does not have a Customer-accessible identifier set for this Account, this value is null.
  • account_number - string - (REQUIRED) The number that a Customer sees on their bill and online user interface as the identifier for this Account.
  • account_name - string - (OPTIONAL) The name that a Customer sees on their bill and online user interface as the name for this Account, if available.
  • account_address - multi-line address - (OPTIONAL) The address that a Customer sees on their bill and online user interface as the address for this Account, if available.
  • account_type - AccountType - (REQUIRED) What type of Account this is.
  • account_contacts - Array[AccountContact] - (REQUIRED) A list of Account Contacts for the Account.

4.2. Listing Accounts

Clients may request to list Account objects that they have access to by making an HTTPS GET request, authenticated with a valid Bearer access_token that is scoped to provide access to a set of Accounts, to the cds_accounts_api URL included in the Client Registration Response or Clients API. The Account listing request responses are formatted as JSON objects and contain the following named values.

  • accounts - Array[Account] - (REQUIRED) A list of Accounts to which the requesting access_token is scoped to have access. If no Accounts are accessible, this value is an empty list ([]). If more than 100 Accounts are available to be listed, Servers MAY truncate the list and use the next value to link to the next segment of the list of Accounts.
  • next - URL or null - Where to request the next segment of the list of Accounts. If no next segment exists (i.e. the requester is at the end of the list), this value is null.
  • previous - URL or null - Where to request the previous segment of the list of Accounts. If no previous segment exists (i.e. the requester is at the front of the list), this value is null.

Servers MUST support Clients adding any of the following URL parameters to the GET request, which will filter the list of Accounts to be the intersection of results for each of the URL parameters filters:

  • cds_account_ids - A space-separated list of cds_account_id values for which the Servers MUST filter the Accounts.
  • customer_numbers - A space-separated list of customer_number values for which the Servers MUST filter the Accounts. Customer number values of null MUST be treated as invalid for this URL parameter filter (i.e. only populated customer_number values are available to be filtered using URL parameters).
  • account_numbers - A space-separated list of account_number values for which the Servers MUST filter the Accounts.
  • q - A search term for which the Servers MUST filter the Accounts following fields for values that case-insensitive contains the search term, if the field is accessible based on the Client’s access_token scope.
    • cds_account_id
    • customer_number
    • account_number
    • account_address
    • account_name

Listings of Account objects MUST be ordered in reverse chronological order by cds_modified timestamp, where the most recently updated relevant Account MUST be first in each listing.

5. Service Contracts API

This specification requires Servers provide a set of APIs allowing Clients to retrieve a Customer’s Service Contract details for which they are authorized to access. These APIs are authenticated using a Bearer access_token granted that provisions access for a scope that allows access to the Service Contracts API.

5.1. Service Contract Object Format

Service Contract objects are formatted as JSON objects and contain the following named values:

  • cds_servicecontract_id - string - (REQUIRED) The Server’s unique identifier for this Service Contract object.
  • cds_created - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) When the Server created this Service Contract object.
  • cds_modified - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) When the Server last modified this Service Contract object.
  • cds_account_id - string - (REQUIRED) The Account to which this Service Contract belongs.
  • account_number - string - (REQUIRED) The Account’s account_number duplicated to this Service Contract.
  • contract_number - string or null - (REQUIRED) The identifier that a Customer sees on their bill or online user interface as the identifier for this Service Contract. If a Server does not have a Customer-facing identifier for a Service Contract and the Client is not authorized to see the Server’s internal identifier for this Service Contract, this value is null.
  • contract_address - multi-line address - (OPTIONAL) The address that a Customer sees on their bill or online user interface as the address for this Service Contract, if available.
  • contract_status - ContractStatus - (REQUIRED) The current status of the Service Contract.
  • contract_type - ContractType - (REQUIRED) The type of agreement that this Service Contract represents.
  • contract_entity - string - (REQUIRED) With which entity the Customer has agreement for this Service Contract.
  • contract_start - ISO8601 date - (OPTIONAL) When the agreement that this Service Contract represents started.
  • contract_end - ISO8601 date or null - (OPTIONAL) When the agreement that this Service Contract represents ended. If the agreement is still ongoing, this value is null.
  • service_type - ServiceType - (REQUIRED) The type of utility or other service that this Service Contract provides.
  • service_class - ServiceClass - (REQUIRED) The class of service for which this Service Contract is categorized.
  • rateplan_code - string - (REQUIRED) A unique code for the current rate plan or tariff on which costs for this Service Contract are calculated.
  • rateplan_name - string - (REQUIRED) The name that a Customer sees on their bill or online user interface as the rate plan or tariff that applies to this Service Contract.

5.2. Listing Service Contracts

Clients may request to list Service Contract objects that they have access to by making an HTTPS GET request, authenticated with a valid Bearer access_token that is scoped to provide access to a set of Service Contracts, to the cds_servicecontracts_api URL included in the Client Registration Response or Clients API. The Service Contract listing request responses are formatted as JSON objects and contain the following named values.

  • service_contracts - Array[ServiceContract] - (REQUIRED) A list of Service Contracts to which the requesting access_token is scoped to have access. If no Service Contracts are accessible, this value is an empty list ([]). If more than 100 Service Contracts are available to be listed, Servers MAY truncate the list and use the next value to link to the next segment of the list of Service Contracts.
  • next - URL or null - Where to request the next segment of the list of Service Contracts. If no next segment exists (i.e. the requester is at the end of the list), this value is null.
  • previous - URL or null - Where to request the previous segment of the list of Service Contracts. If no previous segment exists (i.e. the requester is at the front of the list), this value is null.

Servers MUST support Clients adding any of the following URL parameters to the GET request, which will filter the list of Service Contracts to be the intersection of results for each of the URL parameters filters:

  • cds_servicecontract_ids - A space-separated list of cds_servicecontract_id values for which the Servers MUST filter the Service Contracts.
  • account_numbers - A space-separated list of account_number values for which the Servers MUST filter the Service Contracts.
  • contract_numbers - A space-separated list of contract_number values for which the Servers MUST filter the Service Contracts.
  • service_types - A space-separated list of service_type values for which the Servers MUST filter the Service Contracts.
  • q - A search term for which the Servers MUST filter the Service Contracts following fields for values that case-insensitive contains the search term, if the field is accessible based on the Client’s access_token scope.
    • cds_servicecontract_id
    • account_number
    • contract_number
    • contract_address
    • rateplan_code
    • rateplan_name

Listings of Service Contract objects MUST be ordered in reverse chronological order by cds_modified timestamp, where the most recently updated relevant Service Contract MUST be first in each listing.

6. Service Points API

This specification requires Servers provide a set of APIs allowing Clients to retrieve a Customer’s and Server’s Service Point details for which they are authorized to access. These APIs are authenticated using a Bearer access_token granted that provisions access for a scope that allows access to the Service Points API.

6.1. Service Point Object Format

Service Point objects are formatted as JSON objects and contain the following named values:

  • cds_servicepoint_id - string - (REQUIRED) The Server’s unique identifier for this Service Point object.
  • cds_created - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) When the Server created this Service Point object.
  • cds_modified - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) When the Server last modified this Service Point object.
  • servicepoint_number - string or null - (REQUIRED) The identifier that a Customer sees on their bill or online user interface as the identifier for this Service Point. If a Server does not have a Customer-facing identifier for a Service Point and the Client is not authorized to see the Server’s internal identifier for this Service Point, this value is null.
  • servicepoint_type - ServicePointType - (REQUIRED) The type of service point that this Service Point represents.
  • servicepoint_address - multi-line address or null - (REQUIRED) The address that a Customer sees on their bill or online user interface as the address for this Service Point, if available. If a Server does not have a Customer-facing address for a Service Point and the Client is not authorized to see the Server’s internal address for this Service Point, this value is null.
  • latitude - decimal - (REQUIRED) The latitude that a Customer sees on their bill or online user interface as the latitude for this Service Point. If a Server does not have a Customer-facing latitude for a Service Point and the Client is not authorized to see the Server’s internal latitude for this Service Point, or the Server does not have latitude stored for this Server Point, this value is null.
  • longitude - decimal - (REQUIRED) The longitude that a Customer sees on their bill or online user interface as the longitude for this Service Point. If a Server does not have a Customer-facing longitude for a Service Point and the Client is not authorized to see the Server’s internal longitude for this Service Point, or the Server does not have longitude stored for this Server Point, this value is null.
  • current_servicecontracts - Array[cds_servicecontract_id] - (REQUIRED) The list of Service Contract unique identifiers that are currently providing a service to a Customer via this Service Point. This list MUST only include identifiers that the Client is authorized to see as scoped by their requesting access_token.
  • previous_servicecontracts - Array[cds_servicecontract_id] - (REQUIRED) The list of Service Contract unique identifiers that have previously provided a service to a Customer via this Service Point. This list MUST only include identifiers that the Client is authorized to see as scoped by their requesting access_token.
  • premise_number - string or null - (REQUIRED) The premise identifier that a Customer sees on their bill or online user interface as the premise identifier for this Service Point, if available. If a Server does not have a Customer-facing premise identifier for a Service Point and the Client is not authorized to see the Server’s internal premise identifier for this Service Point, or the Server does not have premise identifiers stored for this Server Point, this value is null.
  • premise_type - PremiseType or null - (REQUIRED) The premise type that a Customer sees on their bill or online user interface as the premise type for this Service Point, if available. If a Server does not have a Customer-facing premise type for a Service Point and the Client is not authorized to see the Server’s internal premise type for this Service Point, or the Server does not have premise type stored for this Server Point, this value is null.

6.2. Listing Service Points

Clients may request to list Service Point objects that they have access to by making an HTTPS GET request, authenticated with a valid Bearer access_token that is scoped to provide access to a set of Service Points, to the cds_servicepoints_api URL included in the Client Registration Response or Clients API. The Service Point listing request responses are formatted as JSON objects and contain the following named values.

  • service_points - Array[ServicePoint] - (REQUIRED) A list of Service Points to which the requesting access_token is scoped to have access. If no Service Points are accessible, this value is an empty list ([]). If more than 100 Service Points are available to be listed, Servers MAY truncate the list and use the next value to link to the next segment of the list of Service Points.
  • next - URL or null - Where to request the next segment of the list of Service Points. If no next segment exists (i.e. the requester is at the end of the list), this value is null.
  • previous - URL or null - Where to request the previous segment of the list of Service Points. If no previous segment exists (i.e. the requester is at the front of the list), this value is null.

Servers MUST support Clients adding any of the following URL parameters to the GET request, which will filter the list of Service Points to be the intersection of results for each of the URL parameters filters:

  • cds_servicepoint_ids - A space-separated list of cds_servicepoint_id values for which the Servers MUST filter the Service Points.
  • servicepoint_number - A space-separated list of servicepoint_number values for which the Servers MUST filter the Service Points.
  • current_servicecontracts - A space-separated list of current_servicecontracts values for which the Servers MUST filter the Meter Devices.
  • previous_servicecontracts - A space-separated list of previous_servicecontracts values for which the Servers MUST filter the Meter Devices.
  • q - A search term for which the Servers MUST filter the Service Points following fields for values that case-insensitive contains the search term, if the field is accessible based on the Client’s access_token scope.
    • cds_servicepoint_id
    • servicepoint_address
    • servicepoint_number
    • premise_number
    • property_number
    • parcel_number

Listings of Service Point objects MUST be ordered in reverse chronological order by cds_modified timestamp, where the most recently updated relevant Service Point MUST be first in each listing.

7. Meter Devices API

This specification requires Servers provide a set of APIs allowing Clients to retrieve a Customer’s and Server’s Meter Device details for which they are authorized to access. These APIs are authenticated using a Bearer access_token granted that provisions access for a scope that allows access to the Meter Devices API.

7.1. Meter Device Object Format

Meter Device objects are formatted as JSON objects and contain the following named values:

  • cds_meterdevice_id - string - (REQUIRED) The Server’s unique identifier for this Meter Device object.
  • cds_created - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) When the Server created this Meter Device object.
  • cds_modified - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) When the Server last modified this Meter Device object.
  • meter_number - string or null - (REQUIRED) The identifier that a Customer sees on their bill or online user interface or on the face of their physical meter as the identifier for this Meter Device. If a Server does not have a Customer-facing identifier for a Meter Device and the Client is not authorized to see the Server’s internal identifier for this Meter Device, this value is null.
  • meter_type - MeterType - (REQUIRED) The type of metering device that this Meter Device represents.
  • current_servicepoints - Array[cds_servicepoint_id] - (REQUIRED) The list of Service Point unique identifiers where this Meter Device is currently installed or associated. This list MUST only include identifiers that the Client is authorized to see as scoped by their requesting access_token.
  • previous_servicepoints - Array[cds_servicepoint_id] - (REQUIRED) The list of Service Point unique identifiers where this Meter Device was previously installed or associated. This list MUST only include identifiers that the Client is authorized to see as scoped by their requesting access_token.

7.2. Listing Meter Devices

Clients may request to list Meter Device objects that they have access to by making an HTTPS GET request, authenticated with a valid Bearer access_token that is scoped to provide access to a set of Meter Devices, to the cds_meterdevices_api URL included in the Client Registration Response or Clients API. The Meter Device listing request responses are formatted as JSON objects and contain the following named values.

  • meter_devices - Array[MeterDevice] - (REQUIRED) A list of Meter Devices to which the requesting access_token is scoped to have access. If no Meter Devices are accessible, this value is an empty list ([]). If more than 100 Meter Devices are available to be listed, Servers MAY truncate the list and use the next value to link to the next segment of the list of Meter Devices.
  • next - URL or null - Where to request the next segment of the list of Meter Devices. If no next segment exists (i.e. the requester is at the end of the list), this value is null.
  • previous - URL or null - Where to request the previous segment of the list of Meter Devices. If no previous segment exists (i.e. the requester is at the front of the list), this value is null.

Servers MUST support Clients adding any of the following URL parameters to the GET request, which will filter the list of Meter Devices to be the intersection of results for each of the URL parameters filters:

  • cds_meterdevice_ids - A space-separated list of cds_meterdevice_id values for which the Servers MUST filter the Meter Devices.
  • meter_number - A space-separated list of meter_number values for which the Servers MUST filter the Meter Devices.
  • current_servicepoints - A space-separated list of current_servicepoint values for which the Servers MUST filter the Meter Devices.
  • previous_servicepoints - A space-separated list of previous_servicepoints values for which the Servers MUST filter the Meter Devices.
  • q - A search term for which the Servers MUST filter the Meter Devices following fields for values that case-insensitive contains the search term, if the field is accessible based on the Client’s access_token scope.
    • cds_meterdevice_id
    • meter_number

Listings of Meter Device objects MUST be ordered in reverse chronological order by cds_modified timestamp, where the most recently updated relevant Meter Device MUST be first in each listing.

8. Bill Statements API

This specification requires Servers provide a set of APIs allowing Clients to retrieve a Customer’s and Server’s Bill Statement details for which they are authorized to access. These APIs are authenticated using a Bearer access_token granted that provisions access for a scope that allows access to the Bill Statements API.

8.1. Bill Statement Object Format

Bill Statement objects are formatted as JSON objects and contain the following named values:

  • cds_billstatement_id - string - (REQUIRED) The Server’s unique identifier for this Bill Statement object.
  • cds_created - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) When the Server created this Bill Statement object.
  • cds_modified - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) When the Server last modified this Bill Statement object.
  • cds_account_id - string - (REQUIRED) The Account for which this Bill Statement was issued.
  • account_number - string - (REQUIRED) The Account’s account_number at the time that this Bill Statement was issued.
  • statement_date - ISO8601 date - (REQUIRED) The statement date that appears on the Customer-facing bill.
  • currency - ISO4217 currency code - (REQUIRED) The ISO 4217 currency code for this Bill Statement’s charge values.
  • file_uri - URL - (OPTIONAL) A link to the bill statement file that was provided to the Customer, if available. If this Bill Statement was mailed to the Customer, this value is a link to the digital PDF copy of the mailed bill. Authentication for the linked file MUST be the same authentication as required for accessing this Bill Statement.
  • file_mimetype - string - (OPTIONAL) The MIME type for the file_uri. This field is required if the file_uri field is populated.
  • previous_balance_amount - decimal - (OPTIONAL) The value shown on the Customer-facing bill statement as the previous balance for the Account, if available.
  • previous_balance_paid - decimal - (OPTIONAL) The value shown on the Customer-facing bill statement as the previous balance paid for the Account, if available.
  • previous_balance_unpaid - decimal - (OPTIONAL) The value shown on the Customer-facing bill statement as the previous balance unpaid for the Account, if available.
  • new_charges_amount - decimal - (OPTIONAL) The value shown on the Customer-facing bill statement as the new credits and charges total, if available.
  • new_charges - Array[NewCharge] - (OPTIONAL) A list of new overall charges shown on the Customer-facing bill statement, if available.
  • new_balance_amount - decimal - (OPTIONAL) The value shown on the Customer-facing bill statement as the new Account balance, if available.
  • amount_due - decimal - (REQUIRED) The value shown on the Customer-facing bill statement as the amount due, if available.
  • amount_due_date - ISO8601 date - (REQUIRED) The value shown on the Customer-facing bill statement as the date that the amount_due value is due, if available.
  • shutoff_prevention_minimum_due - decimal or null - (REQUIRED) The value shown on the Customer-facing bill statement as the minimum amount due to prevent service shutoff, if available. If there is no shutoff notice on the Customer-facing bill statement, this value is null.
  • shutoff_prevention_date - ISO8601 date or null - (REQUIRED) The value shown on the Customer-facing bill statement as the date that the shutoff_prevention_minimum_due value is due, if available. If shutoff_prevention_minimum_due is null, this value is also null.
  • program_participations - Array[ProgramParticipation] - (REQUIRED) A list of Account-level programs in which the Customer is participating. If the Server does not have this information or the Customer is not participating in any Account-level programs, this value is and empty list ([]).

8.2. Listing Bill Statements

Clients may request to list Bill Statement objects that they have access to by making an HTTPS GET request, authenticated with a valid Bearer access_token that is scoped to provide access to a set of Bill Statements, to the cds_billstatement_api URL included in the Client Registration Response or Clients API. The Bill Statement listing request responses are formatted as JSON objects and contain the following named values.

  • bill_statements - Array[BillStatement] - (REQUIRED) A list of Bill Statements to which the requesting access_token is scoped to have access. If no Bill Statements are accessible, this value is an empty list ([]). If more than 100 Bill Statements are available to be listed, Servers MAY truncate the list and use the next value to link to the next segment of the list of Bill Statements.
  • next - URL or null - Where to request the next segment of the list of Bill Statements. If no next segment exists (i.e. the requester is at the end of the list), this value is null.
  • previous - URL or null - Where to request the previous segment of the list of Bill Statements. If no previous segment exists (i.e. the requester is at the front of the list), this value is null.

Servers MUST support Clients adding any of the following URL parameters to the GET request, which will filter the list of Bill Statements to be the intersection of results for each of the URL parameters filters:

  • cds_billstatement_ids - A space-separated list of cds_billstatement_id values for which the Servers MUST filter the Bill Statements.
  • before - An ISO8601 date for which the Server MUST filter the Bill Statement statement_date to values that are on or before this date.
  • after - An ISO8601 date for which the Server MUST filter the Bill Statement statement_date to values that are on or after this date.
  • cds_account_ids - A space-separated list of cds_account_id values for which the Servers MUST filter the Bill Statements.
  • account_numbers - A space-separated list of account_number values for which the Servers MUST filter the Bill Statements.

Listings of Bill Statement objects MUST be ordered in reverse chronological order by statement_date date, where the most recent dated relevant Bill Statement MUST be first in each listing. In situations where relevant Bill Statement objects have the same statement_date, those Bill Statements with the same statement_date are further ordered in reverse chronological order by cds_modified timestamp, where the most recently updated relevant Bill Statement is listed first.

9. Bill Sections API

This specification requires Servers provide a set of APIs allowing Clients to retrieve a Customer’s and Server’s Bill Section details for which they are authorized to access. These APIs are authenticated using a Bearer access_token granted that provisions access for a scope that allows access to the Bill Sections API.

9.1. Bill Section Object Format

Bill Section objects are formatted as JSON objects and contain the following named values:

  • cds_billsection_id - string - (REQUIRED) The Server’s unique identifier for this Bill Section object.
  • cds_created - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) When the Server created this Bill Section object.
  • cds_modified - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) When the Server last modified this Bill Section object.
  • cds_billstatement_id - string or null - (REQUIRED) The Bill Statement for which this Bill Section was issued. If the Client is not authorized to see the related Bill Statement, this value is null.
  • cds_account_id - string - (REQUIRED) The Account for which this Bill Section was issued.
  • account_number - string - (REQUIRED) The Account’s account_number at the time that this Bill Section was issued.
  • section_type - BillSectionType - (REQUIRED) The type of bill section that this Bill Section represents.
  • start_date - ISO8601 date - (REQUIRED) The start date of services provided for which this Bill Section covers.
  • end_date - ISO8601 date - (REQUIRED) The end date of services provided for which this Bill Section covers.
  • currency - ISO4217 currency code - (REQUIRED) The ISO 4217 currency code for this Bill Section’s charge values.
  • distribution_entity - DistributionEntity or null - (REQUIRED) The details for the utility or other entity providing distribution for the services that this Bill Section covers. If the services provided that are covered by this Bill Section do not have distribution, this value is null.
  • load_serving_entity - LoadServingEntity or null - (REQUIRED) The details for the utility or other entity providing distribution for the services that this Bill Section covers. If the services provided that are covered by this Bill Section do not have a supply or retailer component, this value is null. If the load serving entity is the same as the distributor, the Load Serving Entity type value MUST be distributor and no other fields are populated in the Load Serving Entity object.
  • related_servicecontracts - Array[cds_servicecontract_id] - (REQUIRED) The list of Service Contract unique identifiers to which this Bill Section is applicable. This list MUST only include identifiers that the Client is authorized to see as scoped by their requesting access_token.
  • related_servicepoints - Array[cds_servicepoint_id] - (REQUIRED) The list of Service Point unique identifiers to which this Bill Section is applicable. This list MUST only include identifiers that the Client is authorized to see as scoped by their requesting access_token.
  • related_meterdevices - Array[cds_meterdevice_id] - (REQUIRED) The list of Meter Device unique identifiers to which this Bill Section is applicable. This list MUST only include identifiers that the Client is authorized to see as scoped by their requesting access_token.
  • related_billsections - Array[cds_billsection_id] - (REQUIRED) The list of other Bill Section unique identifiers that were issued alongside this Bill Section, where those Bill Sections represent another set of charges covering the same Service Contract. This list MUST only include identifiers that the Client is authorized to see as scoped by their requesting access_token.
  • line_items - Array[BillSectionLineItem] - (REQUIRED) A list of the Bill Section Line Item objects that denote the individual charges listed on the Customer-facing bill statement section represented by this Bill Section.
  • energy_summary - Array[BillSectionEnergySummary] - (REQUIRED) A list of the Bill Section Energy Summary objects that detail the service’s energy usage and other values on the Customer-facing bill statement section represented by this Bill Section.

9.2. Listing Bill Sections

Clients may request to list Bill Section objects that they have access to by making an HTTPS GET request, authenticated with a valid Bearer access_token that is scoped to provide access to a set of Bill Sections, to the cds_billsection_api URL included in the Client Registration Response or Clients API. The Bill Section listing request responses are formatted as JSON objects and contain the following named values.

  • bill_sections - Array[BillSection] - (REQUIRED) A list of Bill Sections to which the requesting access_token is scoped to have access. If no Bill Sections are accessible, this value is an empty list ([]). If more than 100 Bill Sections are available to be listed, Servers MAY truncate the list and use the next value to link to the next segment of the list of Bill Sections.
  • next - URL or null - Where to request the next segment of the list of Bill Sections. If no next segment exists (i.e. the requester is at the end of the list), this value is null.
  • previous - URL or null - Where to request the previous segment of the list of Bill Sections. If no previous segment exists (i.e. the requester is at the front of the list), this value is null.

Servers MUST support Clients adding any of the following URL parameters to the GET request, which will filter the list of Bill Sections to be the intersection of results for each of the URL parameters filters:

  • cds_billsection_ids - A space-separated list of cds_billsection_id values for which the Servers MUST filter the Bill Sections.
  • before - An ISO8601 date for which the Server MUST filter the Bill Section start_date to values that are on or before this date.
  • after - An ISO8601 date for which the Server MUST filter the Bill Section end_date to values that are on or after this date.
  • cds_billstatement_ids - A space-separated list of cds_billstatement_id values for which the Servers MUST filter the Bill Sections.
  • cds_account_ids - A space-separated list of cds_account_id values for which the Servers MUST filter the Bill Sections.
  • account_numbers - A space-separated list of account_number values for which the Servers MUST filter the Bill Sections.
  • cds_servicecontract_ids - A space-separated list of related_servicecontracts values for which the Servers MUST filter the Bill Sections.
  • contract_numbers - A space-separated list of related_servicecontracts listed Service Contract contract_number values for which the Servers MUST filter the Bill Sections.

Listings of Bill Section objects MUST be ordered in alphanumeric order by account_number. In situations where relevant Bill Section objects have the same account_number, those Bill Sections with the same account_number are further ordered in alphanumeric order by contract_number. In situations where relevant Bill Section objects have the same account_number and contract_number, those Bill Sections with the same account_number and contract_number are further ordered in chronological order by start_date, where the relevant Bill Section with the earliest date is listed first. In situations where relevant Bill Section objects have the same account_number, contract_number, and start_date, those Bill Sections with the same account_number, contract_number, and start_date are further ordered in reverse chronological order by modified, where the most recently updated relevant Bill Section is listed first.

10. Aggregations API

This specification requires Servers provide a set of APIs allowing Clients to retrieve a Server’s Aggregation objects for which they are authorized to access. These APIs are authenticated using a Bearer access_token granted that provisions access for a scope that allows access to the Aggregations API.

10.1. Aggregation Object Format

Aggregation objects are formatted as JSON objects and contain the following named values:

  • cds_aggregation_id - string - (REQUIRED) The Server’s unique identifier for this Aggregation object.
  • cds_created - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) When the Server created this Aggregation object.
  • cds_modified - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) When the Server last modified this Aggregation object.
  • aggregation_type - AggregationType - (REQUIRED) The type of aggregation that this Aggregation represents.
  • aggregation_number - string or null - (REQUIRED) The aggregation identifier that a Client sees in Server documentation or other online interfaces as the aggregation identifier for this Aggregation, if available. If a Server does not have a Client-facing aggregation identifier for an Aggregation and the Client is not authorized to see the Server’s internal aggregation identifier for this Aggregation, or the Server does not have aggregation identifiers stored for this Aggregation, this value is null.
  • addresses - Array[multi-line address] - (OPTIONAL) A list of addresses that are associated with this Aggregation, if applicable for the aggregation_type.
  • regions - Array[AggregationRegion] - (OPTIONAL) A list of Aggregation Regions that are associated with this Aggregation, if applicable for the aggregation_type.
  • consents_required - Array[ConsentRequirement] - (OPTIONAL) A list of Consent Requirements that are required for this Aggregation, if applicable for the aggregation_type.

10.2. Listing Aggregations

Clients may request to list Aggregation objects that they have access to by making an HTTPS GET request, authenticated with a valid Bearer access_token that is scoped to provide access to a set of Aggregations, to the cds_aggregations_api URL included in the Client Registration Response or Clients API. The Aggregation listing request responses are formatted as JSON objects and contain the following named values.

  • aggregations - Array[Aggregation] - (REQUIRED) A list of Aggregations to which the requesting access_token is scoped to have access. If no Aggregations are accessible, this value is an empty list ([]). If more than 100 Aggregations are available to be listed, Servers MAY truncate the list and use the next value to link to the next segment of the list of Aggregations.
  • next - URL or null - Where to request the next segment of the list of Aggregations. If no next segment exists (i.e. the requester is at the end of the list), this value is null.
  • previous - URL or null - Where to request the previous segment of the list of Aggregations. If no previous segment exists (i.e. the requester is at the front of the list), this value is null.

Servers MUST support Clients adding any of the following URL parameters to the GET request, which will filter the list of Aggregations to be the intersection of results for each of the URL parameters filters:

  • cds_aggregation_ids - A space-separated list of cds_aggregation_id values for which the Servers MUST filter the Aggregations.
  • aggregation_numbers - A space-separated list of aggregation_number values for which the Servers MUST filter the Aggregations.
  • aggregation_types - A space-separated list of aggregation_type values for which the Servers MUST filter the Aggregations.
  • q - A search term for which the Servers MUST filter the Aggregations following fields for values that case-insensitive contains the search term, if the field is accessible based on the Client’s access_token scope.
    • cds_aggregation_id
    • aggregation_number
    • addresses
    • regions

Listings of Aggregation objects MUST be ordered in reverse chronological order by modified timestamp, where the most recently updated relevant Aggregation MUST be first in each listing.

11. Usage Segments API

This specification requires Servers provide a set of APIs allowing Clients to retrieve a Customer’s and Server’s Usage Segment objects for which they are authorized to access. These APIs are authenticated using a Bearer access_token granted that provisions access for a scope that allows access to the Usage Segments API.

11.1. Usage Segment Object Format

Usage Segment objects are formatted as JSON objects and contain the following named values:

  • cds_usagesegment_id - string - (REQUIRED) The Server’s unique identifier for this Usage Segment object.
  • cds_created - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) When the Server created this Usage Segment object.
  • cds_modified - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) When the Server last modified this Usage Segment object.
  • related_aggregations - Array[cds_aggregation_id] - (REQUIRED) The list of Aggregation unique identifiers to which this Usage Segment is applicable.
  • related_accounts - Array[cds_account_id] - (REQUIRED) The list of Account unique identifiers to which this Usage Segment is applicable.
  • related_servicecontracts - Array[cds_servicecontract_id] - (REQUIRED) The list of Service Contract unique identifiers to which this Usage Segment is applicable.
  • related_servicepoints - Array[cds_servicepoint_id] - (REQUIRED) The list of Service Point unique identifiers to which this Usage Segment is applicable.
  • related_meterdevices - Array[cds_meterdevice_id] - (REQUIRED) The list of Meter Device unique identifiers to which this Usage Segment is applicable.
  • related_billsections - Array[cds_billsection_id] - (REQUIRED) The list of Bill Section unique identifiers to which this Usage Segment is applicable.
  • segment_start - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) The starting timestamp for the list of Usage Segment values.
  • segment_end - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) The ending timestamp for the list of Usage Segment values. For values that represent a duration (e.g. 15-min usage interval reading), the segment_end MUST represent the timestamp at the end of the duration.
  • interval - decimal - (REQUIRED) How long between values, in seconds. For values representing a duration interval (e.g. kwh usage intervals), this interval represents the duration of each interval, where the next value starts immediately at the end of the prior interval value with no time gap. For values representing instantaneous readings (e.g. register read), this interval represents the time between the readings provided in the values.
  • format - Array[ValueFormat] - (REQUIRED) For each entry in values, these are the formats of that are included, presented in the order in which the values are presented.
  • values - Array[ValueSet] - (REQUIRED) A list of Value Sets that represent the entries included in the Usage Segment.

Servers MUST only inlude unique identifiers in related_aggregations, related_accounts, related_servicecontracts, related_servicepoints, related_meterdevices, and related_billsections lists MUST only include identifiers that the Client is authorized to see as scoped by their requesting access_token.

11.2. Usage Segment Value Formats

The Usage Segment format field provides an ordered list of strings that denote the object types that are included in each Usage Segment values entry’s Value Set. Usage Segments are organized this way so that the format listing essentially provides a “schema” of object types to expect when parsing the values Value Sets, which removes the need for each object in each Value Set to include repeated fields, such as an object type value.

The following Usage Segment format strings are specified with their corresponding Value Set object types:

Value format strings MAY be repeated in the format listing, indicating there are multiple value objects in the Value Set for that format. This is useful when a Server provides multiple variations of optional fields for the same type of value.

Extensions to this specification MAY further define additional formats other that what is listed above. Client MUST

11.3. Usage Segment Value Set Format

The Usage Segment values field provides an ordered list of Value Set entries. A Value Set entry is an array that contains an ordered list of Value objects, where the type of each Value object which is defined by the order of the format listing.

Each Value Set entry in the values listing represents an increment of interval seconds in the Usage Segment from the segment_start. For example, if a Usage Segment has a segment_start of 2025-01-01T00:00:00Z, an interval of 900, and four Value Set entries in the values, the Value Set entries would represent the each 15 minute period of a one hour segment (2025-01-01T00:00:00Z - 2025-01-01T00:15:00Z, 2025-01-01T00:15:00Z - 2025-01-01T00:30:00Z, 2025-01-01T00:30:00Z - 2025-01-01T00:45:00Z, and 2025-01-01T00:45:00Z - 2025-01-01T01:00:00Z).

If a Value object is not available for a specific Value Set. Servers MUST replace the item in the Value Set with null.

11.5. Listing Usage Segments

Clients may request to list Usage Segment objects that they have access to by making an HTTPS GET request, authenticated with a valid Bearer access_token that is scoped to provide access to a set of Usage Segments, to the cds_usagesegments_api URL included in the Client Registration Response or Clients API. The Usage object listing request responses are formatted as JSON objects and contain the following named values.

  • usage_segments - Array[UsageSegment] - (REQUIRED) A list of Usage Segments to which the requesting access_token is scoped to have access. If no Usage Segments are accessible, this value is an empty list ([]). If more than 100 Usage Segments are available to be listed, Servers MAY truncate the list and use the next value to link to the next segment of the list of Usage Segments.
  • next - URL or null - Where to request the next segment of the list of Usage Segments. If no next segment exists (i.e. the requester is at the end of the list), this value is null.
  • previous - URL or null - Where to request the previous segment of the list of Usage Segments. If no previous segment exists (i.e. the requester is at the front of the list), this value is null.

Servers MUST support Clients adding any of the following URL parameters to the GET request, which will filter the list of Usage Segments to be the intersection of results for each of the URL parameters filters:

  • cds_usagesegment_ids - A space-separated list of cds_usagesegment_id values for which the Servers MUST filter the Usage Segments.
  • before - An ISO8601 datetime for which the Server MUST filter the Usage Segment object segment_start to values that are on or before this date.
  • after - An ISO8601 datetime for which the Server MUST filter the Usage Segment object segment_end to values that are on or after this date.
  • cds_account_ids - A space-separated list of cds_account_id values for which the Servers MUST filter the Usage Segments.
  • account_numbers - A space-separated list of account_number values for which the Servers MUST filter the Usage Segments.
  • cds_servicecontract_ids - A space-separated list of cds_servicecontract_id values for which the Servers MUST filter the Usage Segments.
  • contract_numbers - A space-separated list of contract_number values for which the Servers MUST filter the Usage Segments.
  • cds_servicepoint_ids - A space-separated list of cds_servicepoint_id values for which the Servers MUST filter the Usage Segments.
  • servicepoint_numbers - A space-separated list of servicepoint_number values for which the Servers MUST filter the Usage Segments.
  • cds_meterdevice_ids - A space-separated list of cds_meterdevice_ids values for which the Servers MUST filter the Usage Segments.
  • meter_numbers - A space-separated list of meter_numbers values for which the Servers MUST filter the Usage Segments.
  • cds_billsection_ids - A space-separated list of cds_billsection_id values for which the Servers MUST filter the Usage Segments.

Listings of Usage Segments MUST be ordered in alphanumeric order by aggregation_number. In situations where relevant Usage Segments have the same aggregation_number, those Usage Segments with the same aggregation_number are further ordered in alphanumeric order by account_number. In situations where relevant Usage Segments have the same account_number, those Usage Segments with the same account_number are further ordered in alphanumeric order by contract_number. In situations where relevant Usage Segments have the same contract_number, those Usage Segments with the same contract_number are further ordered in chronological order by segment_start, where the relevant Usage Segment object with the earliest date is listed first. In situations where relevant Usage Segments have the same segment_start, those Usage Segments with the same segment_start are further ordered in reverse chronological order by cds_modified, where the most recently updated relevant Usage Segment object is listed first.

12. Energy Attribute Certificates API

This specification requires Servers provide a set of APIs allowing Clients to retrieve a Customer’s and Server’s Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) objects for which they are authorized to access. These APIs are authenticated using a Bearer access_token granted that provisions access for a scope that allows access to the Energy Attribute Certificates API.

12.1. Energy Attribute Certificate Object Format

EAC objects are formatted as JSON objects and contain the following named values:

  • cds_eac_id - string - (REQUIRED) The Server’s unique identifier for this EAC object.
  • cds_created - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) When the Server created this EAC object.
  • cds_modified - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) When the Server last modified this EAC object.
  • beneficiary_type - BeneficiaryType - (REQUIRED) The type of beneficiary to which this EAC is applied.
  • beneficiaries - Array[string] - (REQUIRED) The list of identifiers to which the EAC is allocated, based on the beneficiary_type.
  • eac_numbers - Array[string] - (REQUIRED) A list of EAC identifier that a Client or Customer sees in Server documentation, Customer documents, Certificate Registries, or other interfaces as the identifier for this EAC, if available. If a Server does not have a Client or Customer-facing EAC identifier and the Client is not authorized to see the Server’s internal EAC identifier for this EAC, or the Server does not have identifiers stored for this EAC, this value is an emtpy list ([]).
  • eac_format - string - (REQUIRED) The format of the EAC data linked in the ead_data_url. Possible values of this format MUST be included in the Server Metadata’s cds_eac_formats list. Clients MUST ignore eac_format values that they do not know how to interpret.
  • eac_data_url - URL - (REQUIRED) A link to an endpoint containing the EAC’s data (e.g. asset identifiers, values, locations, etc.). This is a URL, rather than a structured object because there are many EAC formats available across regions, registries, and jursidictions, and rather than this specification attempting to accomodate all EAC formats, Servers only need to link to the EAC data in the format they have the data accessible. URL endpoints provided in this field MUST be accessible under the same authentication and security requirements as accessing this specification’s EAC API endpoints. URLs may link to an individual formatted file, compressed archive files, the base URL to a set of APIs, or any other type of data location, as long as the data is formatted in the manner described by the eac_format field. In situations where the URL is the base URL to another set of APIs that contain the EAC data, Servers MUST scope the access to that API to only the relevant EAC data for the specific Grant that the access_token provides.
  • period_start - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) When the EAC coverage time period started.
  • period_end - ISO8601 datetime - (REQUIRED) When the EAC coverage time period ended or will end.

12.2. Beneficiary Types

EAC object beneficiary_type values MUST be one of the following:

  • customer - Within the EAC’s destination, the EAC is further applied to an individual Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for a set of Customers. When the beneficiary_type is customer, the beneficiaries MUST have values of the relevant customer_number values. NOTE: listed customer_number values MUST be authorized to be visible to the Client, so while the destination MAY allocate beneficiaries of the EAC to multiple customers, only the customer numbers that are available to be seen as part of the Client’s authorization MUST be listed.
  • account - Within the EAC’s destination, the EAC is further applied to an individual Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for a set of Customer accounts. When the beneficiary_type is account, the beneficiaries MUST have values of the relevant cds_account_id values. NOTE: listed cds_account_id values MUST be authorized to be visible to the Client, so while the destination MAY allocate beneficiaries of the EAC to multiple accounts, only the accounts that are available to be seen as part of the Client’s authorization MUST be listed.
  • servicecontract - Within the EAC’s destination, the EAC is further applied to an individual Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for a set of Customer service contracts. When the beneficiary_type is servicecontract, the beneficiaries MUST have values of the relevant cds_servicecontract_id values. NOTE: listed cds_servicecontract_id values MUST be authorized to be visible to the Client, so while the destination MAY allocate beneficiaries of the EAC to multiple contracts, only the service contracts that are available to be seen as part of the Client’s authorization MUST be listed.
  • rateplan - Within the EAC’s destination, the EAC is further applied to a rate plan or tariff for the customers with service contracts on that rate plan. When the beneficiary_type is rateplan, the beneficiaries MUST have the value of the relevant rateplan_code values. NOTE: listed rateplan_code values MUST be authorized to be visible to the Client, so while the destination MAY allocate beneficiaries of the EAC to multiple rate plans or tariffs, only the rate plans that are available to be seen as part of the Client’s authorization MUST be listed.
  • program - Within the EAC’s destination, the EAC is further applied to a special program in which customers are participating. When the beneficiary_type is program, the beneficiaries MUST have the value of the relevant program_id values. NOTE: listed program_id values MUST be authorized to be visible to the Client, so while the destination MAY allocate beneficiaries of the EAC to multiple special programs, only the rate plans that are available to be seen as part of the Client’s authorization MUST be listed.
  • general - Within the EAC’s destination, the EAC is applied generally to the base energy usage profile for all customers. When the beneficiary_type is general, the beneficiaries MUST be an empty list ([]).

12.3. Listing Energy Attribute Certificates

Clients may request to list EAC objects that they have access to by making an HTTPS GET request, authenticated with a valid Bearer access_token that is scoped to provide access to a set of EACs, to the cds_eacs_api URL included in the Client Registration Response or Clients API. The EAC object listing request responses are formatted as JSON objects and contain the following named values.

  • eacs - Array[EnergyAttributeCredit] - (REQUIRED) A list of EACs to which the requesting access_token is scoped to have access. If no EACs are accessible, this value is an empty list ([]). If more than 100 EACs are available to be listed, Servers MAY truncate the list and use the next value to link to the next segment of the list of EACs.
  • next - URL or null - Where to request the next segment of the list of EACs. If no next segment exists (i.e. the requester is at the end of the list), this value is null.
  • previous - URL or null - Where to request the previous segment of the list of EACs. If no previous segment exists (i.e. the requester is at the front of the list), this value is null.

Servers MUST support Clients adding any of the following URL parameters to the GET request, which will filter the list of EACs to be the intersection of results for each of the URL parameters filters:

  • cds_eac_ids - A space-separated list of cds_eac_id values for which the Servers MUST filter the EACs.
  • eac_numbers - A space-separated list of eac_numbers values for which the Servers MUST filter the EACs.
  • beneficiaries - A space-separated list of beneficiaries values for which the Servers MUST filter the EACs. Since beneficiaries contains values based on the beneficiary_type, different types of beneficiaries may have the same value (e.g. customer_number and account_number may be the same). For listings returned using this filter parameter, Clients SHOULD check the beneficiary_type for each returned result to filter out any results that may have been inadvertent inclusions due to value collision on the Server.
  • before - An ISO8601 datetime for which the Server MUST filter the EAC object period_start to values that are on or before this datetime.
  • after - An ISO8601 datetime for which the Server MUST filter the EAC object period_end to values that are on or after this datetime.

Listings of EACs MUST be ordered in reverse chronological order by period_start, where the most recently started EAC is first. In situations where relevant EACs have the same period_start, those EACs with the same period_start are further ordered in reverse chronological order by cds_created, where the most recently created EAC is first. In situations where relevant EACs have the same period_start and cds_created, those EACs with the same period_start and cds_created are further ordered in alphanumeric order by cds_eac_id.

12.4. Server Metadata for EAC Data Formats

Servers that offer scopes providing access to the EAC API MUST include the following fields in the Authorization Server Metadata object:

12.5. EAC Data Format Description Object

EAC Data Format Descriptions objects are formatted as JSON objects and contain the following named values:

  • id - string - (REQUIRED) The identifier of the EAC data format that is set as the EAC object eac_format value when the EAC object links to EAC data in the eac_data_url that is structured in this format.
  • name - string - (REQUIRED) A human-readable name of the EAC data format (e.g. “Energy Tag API”).
  • description - string - (REQUIRED) A human-readable description of the EAC data format.
  • documentation - URL - (REQUIRED) A link to developer documentation on the EAC data format.

13. Extensions


14. Examples


15. Security Considerations


16. References


17. Acknowledgments

The authors would like to thank the late Shuli Goodman, who was the Executive Director of LFEnergy, for her incredible leadership in initially organizing the Carbon Data Specification.

18. Authors’ Addresses

Daniel Roesler
Email: daniel@utilityapi.com
URI: https://utilityapi.com/

Other Drafts